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Simply Zero Foods is the brainchild of Gloria Tsang, a dietitian who divides her time between Canada and Hong Kong. Gloria is a vegetarian, natural food lover, bestselling book author and a newspaper columnist on simple eating.

Simply Zero Foods are exclusively formulated and 100% made in Canada. Gloria and her team of food scientists have spent endless hours developing, enhancing and recipe testing Simply Zero Foods.

Simply Zero Foods 創辦人是加拿大注册營養師曾欣欣 Gloria Tsang。

Gloria 是位素食主義者,天然食品愛好者,暢銷書作家和報紙上的簡單飲食專欄作家。Simply Zero Protein Powder 是獨家配方,100%加拿大生產。Gloria和她的食品科學家團隊花了無盡的時間開發,增強和配方測試“簡單零食品”(Simply Zero Foods)。

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