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For all skin types, especially mature, pigmented, and damaged

A richer blend of oils created to fight hyper-pigmentation and other negative effects of UV. Smoothes, softens and creates true radiance

  • 100% certified organic ingredients
  • Rich in fatty acids and antioxidants, Camellia oil is quickly absorbed yet nourishes and revitalizes mature and damaged skin
  • Rosehip seed oil is rich in essential fats and vitamin A, important for cell regeneration and keeping skin clear, supple and toned. It helps to minimize scars and speed up skin healing
  • Pomegranate oil contains unique compounds known to heal and regenerate skin damaged by UV, reducing hyperpigmentation and scarring as well as protect the skin from UV exposure
  • Frankincense tones and regenerates the skin
  • Steam distilled lemon essential oil is highly effective at lightening pigmentation, as well as providing a delicious light lemony scent


適用於所有肌膚類型 30ml

特別針對色素沉著和受損肌膚,  一種更豐富的精華,旨在對抗紫外線的過度色素沉著和其他負面影響。撫平、柔化並打造真正的光澤

  • 100% 有機認證成分
  • 山茶油富含脂肪酸和抗氧化劑,能迅速被吸收,滋養和活化成熟和受損的皮膚。玫瑰果籽油富含必需脂肪和維生素 A,對細胞再生和保持皮膚清潔、柔軟和緊緻很重要。它有助於減少疤痕並加速皮膚癒合。
  • 石榴油含有獨特的化合物,可治愈和再生因紫外線損傷的皮膚,減少色素沉著過度和疤痕,並保護皮膚免受紫外線照射。
  • 乳香調和皮膚再生,蒸汽蒸餾檸檬精油在淡化色素沉著方面非常有效,並提供美味的淡檸檬香味。

Pomegranate & Lemon Nourishing Facial Oil 石榴檸檬滋養面部精華油


    Camellia oil
    Rosehip oil
    Pomegranate oil
    Frankincense essential oil
    Lemon essential oil (steam distilled)
    Carrot essential oil


  • Warm a few drops of face oil in your fingertips and press into the face and neck. Best applied after, or mixed with your Hydrating Mist.

    Best used at night after cleansing, but can also be used as a light summertime daytime moisturizer.

    只需1至2滴的精華油, 然後在指尖之間暖和,輕輕按壓到臉部和頸部。
    者:潔面後塗抹到濕潤的臉部和頸部, 再輕輕按壓到臉部和頸部。

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