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For all skin types, especially mature, very sensitive, damaged and reactive skin

An incredibly gentle synergistic blend of distilled plants to soothe and restore health in even the most sensitive of skin

The Hydrating Mists have two purposes in skin care, they can be mixed with oils (moisturizers or face oils) providing valuable hydration for the skin, and they can be used as a gentle cleanser

  • 100% certified organic ingredients
  • Non-drying and non-sticky
  • Rose Geranium hydrosol cools and soothes red, inflamed or irritated skin
  • German Chamomile is one of the most anti-inflammatory and skin calming herbs used by herbalists and skin care experts
  • Rock Rose completes this synergistic blend for very reactive skin, in particular those that suffer with eczema and rosacea. Rock Rose also refines pores and tones and tightens pores by plumping the skin, a powerful “anti-wrinkle”blend
  • Hydrates the surface layers of the skin which aids in nutrient transportation, waste product elimination and cell communication – all vital for healthy, great looking skin
  • pH balancing to help protect and maintain our skin’s natural barrier, the acid mantle


適用於所有類型的皮膚,尤其是成熟、非常敏感、受損和反應性皮膚 120ml

  • 極度溫和的蒸溜植物增效混合物,即使在最敏感的皮膚上也能舒緩並恢復健康

  • 保濕噴霧在皮膚護理中有兩個用途,可以與油(保濕劑或面部精華油)混合使用,從而為皮膚提供寶貴的水分,並且可以用作溫和的爽膚水使用。
  • 100%認證的有機成分
  • 不干燥不粘手
  • 玫瑰天竺葵純露可舒緩發紅、發炎或發炎的皮膚

  • 德國洋甘菊是草藥專家和皮膚護理專家使用最能抗炎和鎮靜草藥之一

  • Rock Rose可以為非常活躍的皮膚,特別是患有濕疹和酒渣鼻的皮膚,提供這種協同作用的混合物。 Rock Rose還可以使皮膚飽滿,改善毛孔和色調,收緊毛孔,形成強大的“抗皺”混合物。

  • 保濕皮膚表面層,有助於營養物質運送,消除污垢物和細胞溝通,這些對於健康,美麗的皮膚至關重要
  • pH值平衡有助於保護和維持我們皮膚的天然屏障

Chamomile & Rose Geranium Hydrating Mist 鎮靜洋甘菊玫瑰天竺葵保濕花水


    Rose Geranium hydrosol (distillate)
    Chamomile hydrosol (distillate)
    Rock Rose hydrosol (distillate)


  • After cleansing, mist generously over the face and follow with your moisturizer or face oil.

    Alternatively, mix 2-3 sprays with your moisturizer or face oil prior to pressing into your face.

    As a gentle cleanser. Spritz the face generously then remove with cotton pads or damp cloth.




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